Aquila French Readers
And New Google Quizzes
Levelled For The Second Language Classroom
Easy, levelled French books, audiobooks and new audio-visual online books
especially written and narrated for the K12 foreign language classroom.
Hundreds of original stories that are perfect for
TPRS (teaching proficiency through storytelling)
and CI (Comprehensible Input).

C23. Bon appétit!

Cinq histoires étonnantes

Mon École

Ordinateurs humains

Les Parents... quel problème!

Sauvons la planète! - Dialogues

Sports extrêmes - Dialogues

Les Astéroïdes - Online audiovisual book

Bon appétit! - Online audiovisual book

Grosses vagues - Online audiovisual book

Quelle collation! - Online audiovisual book
Maria Provost
I just purchased a few of the books & audio ebooks for our school. What a great way to cover all 4 strands of the curriculum using these books and audio-visual ebooks by Aquila. Students are engaged!!! They are using technology (which they love; whether the chrome books or computer lab) to access the ebooks. The new curriculum emphasizes the importance of oral communication within the French as a Second Language classroom. I see students using these ebooks to practice their oral French whether at home or at school. Students are getting a faster understanding of the story because they are seeing the story & listening at the same time. In turn, these resources save me time & make my job easier. Kids are finding French fun.
Mandi Kofira, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
As a grade five extended French teacher, I have found that Aquila products are easy to access for students beginning in their study of their second language. The themes are engaging and easy for students to relate to, and the visuals and graphics help to scaffold the reading strategies that students need to build in order to become confident, independent readers.
Nathan Lutz, Kent Place School, NJ
I love using the Aquila Bandes Dessinées with my students because they are so accessible - even for novice-level learners. The pictures, simple dialogue, and extensive use of cognates create a highly comprehensible reader. I've had students who are brand new to the study of French find success when reading these high-interest comics.
Nathan Lutz
Primary School French Teacher
Global Learning Coordinator
Kent Place School, NJ

Les Astéroïdes - Online audiovisual book

L'Énergie propre!

Perdu dans la montagne - audio e-book

Aventure au Yukon

Bon appétit! - Online audiovisual book

Grosses vagues - Online audiovisual book

Quelle collation! - Online audiovisual book

Recyclons et dépolluons

Les Planètes

Vers Mars

Les Volcans

Les Tsunamis

Les Tsunamis

Repas en famille

Mes repas préférés

Ma classe

Visite en France